Wednesday, 18 December 2013









1。美国,United States America: 6,6,7个字母。
2。英国,Great Britain: 5,7个字母。
3。新加坡,Singapore: 9个字母。
4。中国,China: 5个字母。
5。以色列,Israel: 6个字母。

撒旦的名是人名,而数字是666。假如美国接受以色列的控制,美国就会变成666,从United States America 变成 United States Israel。到时,撒旦 666 就会成形,这世界就会大难临头了。到时,美国人和全世界的人都会受这兽所控制,进而引爆第三世界大战。





Thursday, 12 December 2013



(Pictures from Google search.)




先知穆哈默已经清楚的告诉我们假先知的样子。根据Bukhari, 9篇, 88书,hadith 242,先知穆哈默在梦中见到假先知“大身体,红毛红皮肤和有一边的眼是盲的,而有一眼是如凸出的葡萄般的。很像Qatan, 从khuza族来的人一样。

根据Muslim: 41书,hadith 6995, 假先知是不会有孩子的,而上帝也不会让假先知进入麦加。




Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 3, book 43, Kitab-al-ilm, Hadith 656.
末日将不成定案, 直到玛丽的孩子(耶稣基督)降临到来成为你们的统治者。他会消除十字架,消除猪和取消回教税。到时民富,没有人会须要施舍。

耶稣基督是在受难后第三天复活的,没人能知道真正的复活时间。当信徒们在凌晨前往坟墓时,耶稣基督已不在那里了。可以肯定的,耶稣基督很早就复活了。耶稣基督曾说过,拆毁这殿,我三日内要再把它建立起来(St.John 2: 19).



诺查丹玛斯,10卷, 72诗







Muslim English Reference, Book 41, Hadith 6995.
1. 假先知不会有孩子。

评: 假先知不是人。


Bukhari English Reference Vol 9, book 88, Hadith 245

2。假先知好像Qatan, Khuza族里的人。


Al-sagheer, Hadeeth 3398.
先知穆哈默说假先知会从很远东边的Khurazan来的。先知穆哈默多次指向东方,代表离开中东(阿拉伯) 很远的地方。








诺查达马斯 C8, Q77

二十七年战乱可能和9-11 有关系。马太福音24:28,那里有尸,那里就有秃鹰。若我们假设9-11 事件和假先知有关系,那我们只有不到二十年就到末日了。

Sunday, 8 December 2013




(Picture from Google search)

从耶稣基督到先知穆哈默,从佛教到道教,这世界上有讨论末日的宗教何其多。 从耶鲁撒冷的犹太人到美国的红印第安人, 末日之说好像是世界每个地方都有讨论的课题。回教徒相信先知穆哈默是上天派来的最后的一位先知,这就是我为何以回教为题以讨论末日之题。

回教徒相信耶稣基督将在末日之前到来挽救世界。回教徒相信耶稣基督将在回教徒准备向假先知(dajjal) 展开圣战时,由天而降。耶稣基督将把假先知消灭,而回教战士将由山而下,把假先知的军队打散。 到时,真正的和平将到来, 而战争将会成为历史了。


(Picture from Google search)

3000年前,上帝与摩西定下了十戒,让上帝的子民跟从。初时,犯下十戒之人将会被严罚,包刮死刑,逐出犹太人的社会等。 当时,上帝的戒言超越任何王法。 当时间一久,人们已开始将上帝的十戒给忘了。 回教法到现在还在严厉的实行这些戒言,但西方社会已把回教法当成野蛮和不人道。

耶稣基督在马太5:20-30, “凡看见妇人就动淫念的人, 心里已经与他犯奸淫了。 若是你的右眼叫你犯淫, 就将右眼拔出来丢了。 宁可失了百中的一体,不让全身掉入地狱。 若是你的右手叫你犯错,宁可将右手砍掉,宁可失身体的一肢,不让自己掉入地狱。 由此可见,耶稣基督是支持严厉法的。 但是, 耶稣基督在John 4: 16 和 John 8 中把犯了奸淫的妇人放了,其中的原因我将适时加以解释。无论如何,十戒,严厉法和回教法都对末日有启示的作用。


上帝在创造阿当时,已为我们准备了末日的宏业。 阿当的后代应该在末日的宏业上帮阿当,把荣耀回归上帝。 上帝教会我们如何为末日而奋斗,因每五百年,上帝将按排一位先知会出世,从摩西至穆哈默,而每一位先知会带来不同的知彗。我们只要好好学,就能避开末日的惩罚了。

(Picture from Google search)

阿当是在1275000 年前出世的。预言说达纳厄的儿子(阿当)会带来灾害,甚至会杀外公。阿克里西俄斯王(阿当的外公),可被吓坏了,而马上下令达纳厄远离所有的男生,并将她锁起。 但上帝将达纳厄受孕了,而九个月后就生下了一位男儿(阿当意思为一位男儿)。达纳厄将这男儿命名为珀耳修斯。

被吓坏了的阿克里俄斯王,在得知阿当出世之后,马上将他扔进大海。而阿当马上就被接上天堂,在伊甸园里平安的长大。但阿当在伊甸园里并不开心,因为阿当知道地球上时常打战,生灵涂炭。 伊甸园的每一天就等于地球一千年,而一千年的死伤可不少啊。

(启示12:1-6, 天上现出大异象,有一个妇人身披太阳脚踏月,头戴十二星。她怀孕待产,而天上有一条大红龙,站在那里准备把妇人所产的婴儿吞下。妇人产下的婴儿被接到天界,而妇人就逃到广野,神会照顾她1260天。)



(Picture from Google search)

每天泡水晒太阳,阿当的生活实在是太快活了。过了不久,太太生了两位宝宝,大儿子叫Running Bull, 小儿子叫Running Bear, 都是红印第安人的祖先。阿当可把回地球的奋斗给忘了,就每天开心过活。




(Picture from Google search)








阿当的希腊名是珀耳修斯(Perseus), 而他也有把闻名的撒旦美杜莎除掉。

(Pictures from Google search)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Who is satan (666)

Who is satan (666)


If we allow Israel to use United States of America as its tool to attack any country it deemed fit, we are allowing the manifestation of satan to complete.  When America follow all the instructions of Israel, United States of America (667) will loose its identity and sovereignty, and instead will become United States of Israel.  When that happened, the 666 will appeared (United States Israel) and the world will suffer. 

The following conditions in Revelation 13: 16 & 17,  had already been fulfilled:
1. All to receive the mark of the beast.
2. No one can buy or sell unless he had the mark.

United =6
States =6
Israel =6

Mark of the beast

All U.S. citizens have to be enlisted in the army for National Service.  All who joined the army are required to wear the army uniform, that had the mark of the eagle at either the hat (forehead) or on the uniform (right hand).  All the people, big or small, rich or poor, bonded or free will have to join the army, and are required to receive the mark of the beast, failing which he will be sent to jail. 

He will be stripped of his rights to buy or sell when he is imprisoned.


The antichrist- mabus

Nostradamus C2, Q62
mabus will soon die,
there will come a horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengence,
One hundred powers (Nations), thirst famine, when the comet will pass.

Mabus when inversely written, will be sudam.  Many had called this the name of a muslim, and an antichrist muslim.  However, it could also mean United States of America if written in French (sudam=  State Unis d Amerique) could be what Nostradamus had hinted.  It could be the poem that hinted what America will do after the September 11 attack, horrible undoing of people and animals.


Economic sanctions

The United States of America is expanding her power overseas.  The restrictions to buy and sell, that was on her citizens, had now been extended to countries that deemed uncooperative or unfriendly.  Any Nation that posed a threat on the United States interest, will be imposed economic sanctions that will bar them from trading (buying and selling) unless that country get the approval from United States and its allied, the ten nations who will give their power and authority to the America.  Revelation 17: 12, the ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet begun to rule, but who will be given authority to rule as kings for one hour with the beast.


Stop the manifestation

We will be able to stop the manifestation if we follow God's words.
1. Thou shalt not kill.  No one deserved to be killed, even if you call them terrorists. Any justification for indiscriminate killings, is just against the will of God.
2. Thou shalt not bear false witness.  Iraq did not carry the weapon of mass destruction, Sadam Hussain did not order the attack of 911.  So, all that the U.S. government were telling the world were lies! They were fabricated lies, and the United States government is a false witness.
3. Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour's property.  Occupying the West Bank is against the will of God.  When Israel starts a all out war in the middle east, and get the Americans and her allies to do the job, we will understand what 666 stands for.  We will also understand why Jesus Christ repeatedly warned us against the evil of end time.

The American people and the world should be carefull, if the manifestation of the satan (666) is not stop, the whole world will be a big battle zone.  By then, all will have to carry the mark of the beast, and those refused, will not be allowed to buy or sell, as stated in the Revelation 13 :17.

Monday, 2 December 2013

What is satan (666)

What is satan (666)


Satan is (Revelation 17:11) the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The beast that was:
(Picture from Google search)


1. The beast that was eliminated by Adam (Perseus), during the time of Andromeda, more than fifteen thousand years ago.
2. The famous beast were Medusa and the sea-monster that kidnap Andromeda.
3. Common features, human body with the features of a beast.
4. The descendants of the fallen angels that consumed the forbidden fruit.
5. Caused great destructions, great fear.
6. Very powerful, cannot be killed by normal person with normal weapon.





The beast that is not:

(Picture from Google search)

1. God placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Genesis 3:24).
2. No one can have access to the fruit of life, so no human with the feature of a beast was born after the time of Andromeda.
3. Evil spirit will make a come back.
4. God sent prophet after prophet, from the time of Moses to Muhamad, to warn God's people.
5. Prophet Muhamad (pbh) being the last sent directly from God.



The beast that will be:

(Picture from Google search)

1. Satan is in a stage of manifestation, and will soon be complete.
2. Human being with the mark of the beast.
3. Wellknown and influential.
4. Will cause great destructions and fear.
5. Very powerful, cannot be eliminated by normal person with normal weapon.



Mark of a beast

(Picture from Google search)
Many countries, especially the Western countries, carried the mark of a beast, example:
1. America, mark of an eagle.
2. England, mark of lion.
3. Singapore, mark of lion.
4. Australia, mark of  kangaroo and emu.
5. Malaysia, mark of tiger. 

In order to be associated with satan, these countries will also have to be very powerful and are causing fear to the world population.  According to Revelation 13: 16-18, the nation will force all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.  No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the name of a man and the number is 666.

Name of a man

Not many countries carries the name of a man, example:
1. America, name of  a location.
2. England, name of a race.
3. Singapore, name of a beast.
4. Malaysia, name of a race.
5. Israel, name of a man (Jacob, Genesis 32:28).

Only Israel had the history of being the name of a man, most countries' name are either name of a geographical location or name of a race.

Number of 666

Not a single country in this world has the number of 666 yet.  It does not mean that we are safe. Example of number of a nation:
1. United States America, the number of alphabet is 6 + 6 + 7.
2. Great Britain, the number of alphabet is 5 + 7.
3. Singapore, the number of alphabet is 9.
4. Malaysia, the number of alphabet is 8.
5. Israel, the number of alpahbet is 6.

The number of satan will have to be 666, not 667 or 6, or any other number.  Revelation 13: 18, This calls for wisdom.  Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for a man's name. Its number is 666.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Eliminate dajjal (false prophet)

Eliminate dajjal (false prophet)


(Picture from Google search)

According to bible Revelation 17, dajjal will have the ability to corrupt the ruler and their people.  Dajjal will be able to convince everyone with lies, encourage all to commit sinful acts and believe that wealth and material things are important.  Dajjal will encourage hatred and anger, and put everyone's life in danger.  Dajjal is pure evil, with no respect for God, and only cares for herself.  Bible has a name for dajjal, and it is called, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH.

Revelation 17: The great whore that sitteth upon many waters.  With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornification, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornification.  The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and deck with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornification.

Dajjal is always with the satan (666) (Revelation 16:13&14 and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.).  The elimination of dajjal is necessary if want to kill the satan.  We need to go back to God and go back to His commandment.  We need to conform to the Ten Commandment, and not be persuaded by this evil false prophet, mother of harlots.

Back to basics

(Picture from Google search)

God had established a covenant with Moses for all God's people, the violation to any of these are deemed serious, and will bring destructions to human race:
1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make any carved image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain.
4. Obseve the Sabbath, keep it holy.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour's property (human property and others).

We are living in a time where hollywood have more influence on us than the churches.  Many of us have totally disregard the above mentioned commandment (Ten Commandment) that were set by God, 3000 years ago.  Some Christian country even go to the extent of allowing marriages of the same sex, that hollywood had been promoting lately.

The rule is simple, God's commandment are good rules.  By allowing deviation, we are asking for trouble.  Simple example, if everyone become gay and married the same sex, the destruction will more powerful than the nuclear bombs.

Evils of dajjal

(Picture from Google search)
The following are the evils of the dajjal:
1. Revelation 16:13, Unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth.
Explain: They will lie and twist the facts for their evil purpose.

2. Revelation 17:2, With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornification, and the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornication.
Explain: Rulers as well as people had committed sinful acts unknowingly because of her temptation and persuasion.

3. Revelation 17:4, And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
Explain: Dajjal will make others feel that wealth, expensive lifestyle is the way to enjoy life.

4. Revelation 17:6, And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the matyrs of Jesus.
Explain: Dajjal will make us feel that saints and matyrs don't matter much to us.

Punishment for dajjal

(Picture from Google search)

Revelation 20:10, And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Warning to all people of God, do not be misguided or persuaded to do things that are aginst the will of God.  Media are very powerful, and they can actually shape our mindset and behaviour.  With the latest technology in subliminal broadcasting, the media (ie: movies, news, tv, sports and others) can actually set us against God without us knowing.

Worry not, however, Jesus Christ is here.  We should all be ready to go back to our fundamental believe and Laws, and a battle of God's word will soon erupt globally.  Let us all be careful, and always keep ourselves checked against the Ten Commandment and the words of God, to ensure that we are not persuaded or tricked into doing things that are against God's will.

End time

We have only about less than 20 years to repent, before a catastrophe will hit the earth and take away at least one third of the world population.  Revelation8: 7-10. The first angel blew his trumpet.  Hail and fire, mixed with blood, came pouring down the earth.  A third of the earth was burnt up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass.  Then the second angel blew his trumpet.  Something that looked like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea.  A third of teh sea was turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.  Then the third angel blew his trumpet.  A large star, burning like a torch, dropped from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers.  A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water. According to Matthew 24:36, Jesus said, "No one knows the exact day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father knows."

Nostradamus c8, q77
The third antichrist (mabus) very soon annihilated,
Twenty-seven years his bloody war will last.
The heretics are dead, captives exiled,
Blood soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the earth.

I will try to explain who is "mabus" the third anti-christ later, but the 27 years stated in c8, q77 could have something to do with the September 11, 2001. In Matthew 24: 28, wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.  Jesus Christ may be hinting to us that the false prophets are behind all the wars after September 11, 2001.

If we assumed that the false prophets are behind all the wars after September 11, 2001, we have about less than 20 years before the catastrophe hit.  But the exact day and hour will only be decided by God Himself.

Second Coming

Second coming


(Picture from Google search)

Acts 1:9-11, On the 40th day, "After he had said these things, He was lifted up while the apostles were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.  And as they were gazing intently into the sky while he was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them.  They said "men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?  This Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven"

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 43, Kitab-al-llm, Hadith number 656
"The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (ie: Jesus Christ) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the Jisya tax.  Money will be in abundance, so that nobody will accept (no need for) charity."

After Jesus Christ was crucified, his resurrection came the third day after his crucifixion.  Noboday know the exact time of his resurrection, but when the disciples went to the tomb on the third day in the early morning, the body of Jesus Christ was no more there.  This fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus Christ, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (St. John 2:19)

It is understood that the resurrection of Jesus Christ must be very early on the third day.  If one day is equivalent to 1000 years on earth, Jesus Christ second coming can happen anytime, after the year 2000, and must be very early.


Time of descent

On September 11, 2001, as I was resting and meditating with my eyes closed at about 2:05, in the afternonn (Malaysia time).  Suddenly, from my meditation, I saw Jesus Christ descending from heaven down to earth.  Jesus Christ landed on a place that looked like New York city, and the background looked like the old SEARS tower.  As I did not understand the meaning of what I saw at that time, I did not do anything.

Nostradamus centuryX, quatrains 72.
The year 1999 and the month of September,
from the sky will come the great King of Terror. 
He will awaken the great King of Mongols. 
Before and after Mars reighn happily.

All Christians knew that Jesus Christ resurrection is on the third day, and not on the second day.  Nostradamus stated the year 1999, which is one year away from year 2000, he could be hinting us that one year difference will be the time of descend for the King.  If Nostradamus's King of Terror refered to Jesus Christ, then it might be a hint that Jesus Christ could descend on the September of 2001, one year after the year 2000.

The Muslims believed that the son of  Mary (ie: Jesus Christ) will descend at a time when the righteous will be preparing a war against the dajjal (false prophet).

The 9-11

(Picture from Google search)

The 9-11 was a sad day, to the Americans and also the whole world.  We have to analyze who is the dajjal and who is the righteous before we can decide who actually killed the innocent people on that day.   We cannot deny the fact that Prophet Muhamad(Pbh) did mentioned the time of Jesus Christ descent will coincide with the preparation of the war on dajjal (false prophet), and we cannot deny that Jesus Christ descended on September 11, 2001 in the land of America (at about 1:00am New York time.)

Even though Nostradamus mentioned only the King of Terror,but I strongly believe that he was referring to Jesus Christ, who came from the sky.  Normal human being will  have difficulties coming down from the sky, if they did not go to the sky first.  The Christians called Jesus Christ their King, and the bible clearly stated in the Acts 1:11,  "this same Jesus, which is taken from you to heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."

Even though there are many good people living in the United States of America (U.S.A.), especially some good Christians living at the bible belt, I am sure there are also some evil people living in the U.S.A.. The fact remain, that Prophet Muhamad (pbh) did clearly stated that Jesus Christ will descend at a time when the Muslims are preparing the war on dajjal.

To be fair to all and also to be able to do God's work,  I will only analyse the Bible, Quran, Hadith and all other literatures that were made before September 11, year 2001.

Muslim English reference: Book 41, Hadith 6995.
1. Dajjal would not have children.
Explain: All human can have children, either by conception or by adoption.
Answer: Dajjal is not a human.

2. Dajjal is prohibited from entering Mecca.                                         
Explain: All human can enter Mecca, either a Muslim or convert to Islam.
Answer: Dajjal is not a human.

3. Dajjal is a Jew.
Explain: No explanation for this.

Bukhari English reference: Vol 9, book 88, Hadith 242
1. Dajjal is blind in one eye, which looked like a protruding out grape.
Explain: Not a normal human, cannot find such human being in this world, until today.
Answer: Mad eye Moody in the Goblet of Fire had that look.

2. Dajjal looked like the man resembled Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza'a.
Explain: Mad eye Moody in the Goblet of Fire had that look, and also many other people.
3. Dajjal is red complexion and curly hair.
Explain: That gave an English look.

Al-sagheer, Hadeeth 3398
"The dajjal will emerge from a land in the east called Khurasan." 
Explain: Prophet(pbh) pointed many time to the east, emphasizing a very distant east from Medina (Arab).
Answer: Middle East (Arab) -->Far East (Asia)--->Further East (America).

Dajjal a movie character

Dajjal may refer to a movie character in an English movie that is called Harry Potter. If the war of September 11 (911) was aiming at the American soil, it is possible the aim was at hollywood.  It can also mean hollywood could be the evil force that is corrupting the world that we are living in, today.

The dajjal (false prophet) could be a character in a movie and not be a person, and we have to be careful, especially the movies that are produced in hollywood.  For the false prophet is always with the beast (satan), and Revalation 19:20, and the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.  These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Eliminate dajjal

Before Jesus Christ could restore the world to the golden age, we must do our part to stay away from the influence of dajjal, and eliminate its influence on all of us.  This may sound like a difficult task and an almost impossible job, but it is actually quite simple.

All we, the God's people, need to do is to revert back to the basics, go back to the Ten Commandment, and go back to God.  Refuse to accept anything that will make God unhappy, and we will be able to eliminate the influence of dajjal.

(All the above pictures are from Google search)