Monday 18 May 2015

China, Friend of Islam

China, Friend of Islam

The success and the rise of China, is the result of struggle and a lot of hard work of the Chinese. Hence, the success and rise of China is also the pride and honour of all the Chinese in the world. However, all these had also attracted envy and also jealousy of many foreign countries, which include United States and its alliances.

Tui Bei Tu from Google search.

Tui Bei Tu (推背图), a Chinese book of prophecies from Tang Dynasty (唐朝), had predicted the day when United States will be jealous of the Chinese success.

In picture forty-two of the book, it predicted that United States will one day plan an attack on China. Such barbaric act will occur during a time when China is enjoying stability and prosperity.

In picture forty-two of the book, it predicted that United States will use its lies and story to demonised China and to accuse China of violating the international law followed by an excuse to attack. United States will present itself as a well polished story teller (saviour), to demonised China.

Such act of blatant lies and barbaric actions was well documented in the invasion of Iraq, and the world should be convinced that the United States is and will be capable of repeating the same lies and barbaric act in Asia or anywhere in this world.

Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation, is the record of the events that Jesus Christ revealed. God gave him this revelation in order to show his servant what must happen very soon. Christ made these things known to his servant John by sending his angel to him, and John has told all that he has seen. This is his report concerning the message from God and the truth revealed by Jesus Christ.

Revelation 13: 1
Then I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown, and on each of its head there was a name that was insulting to God.
(Each crown representing a Kingdom/country)

United States and its alliances is joining force in the Middle East fighting the "IS" terrorist group. The alliances include the G7 as well as other nations that adds up to a total of 10 nations.

Revelation 13: 16-17
The beast forced all the people, small and big, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell unless he had this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name.

All U.S. citizens are required to serve in the army and receive the mark of the beast (Eagle) on their right hands or on their foreheads. Anyone who refused to serve will have to serve a jail term, where he will no longer be able to buy or sell until he completed his jail term. He will only be freed after approval from the government is given, when a mark of the beast will be stamped on his file.

Revelation 13: 18
This call for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for a man's name. Its number is 666.

6 6 6  (United=6   States=6  Israel=6)

Spratly Islands

United States and Israel's (666) intention to have the authority over every tribes, nations, language and race (Rev 13:7) can be easily seen. Just as United States and its allies (beast with ten horns and seven heads) are busy fighting the "IS" in the Middle East, the "666" (United States & Israel) can't wait for the war to complete there, before they start can start a new war. A war in Asia, against China.

As a warm up to the war in Asia, they started their action plan by first getting Japan to nationalized one of the privately owned Spratly Island. This action plan was followed by Vietnam, Philipines and other Asian countries to have protests and demonstrations to demand China to be out of the Spratly Islands. These action plan was to demonised China and make everyone angry and hated China. Then the "666" (United States & Israel) will be acting like a saviour, coming to rescue Asian countries from this Big Bully from China.

A lie repeated many times, will have its convincing effect, and maybe will become the truth. The "666" (United States & Israel) will continue to repeat its fabricated accusation against China. Japan and other Asian countries will continue their protests and demonstrations, and continue to stir up anger in the region. The carefully orchestrated opera will be repeated over and over again. One day, when the people in Asia started giving applause and praised the "666" (United States & Israel) for its efforts in protecting the small countries against the Big Bully (China), War will start in Asia, a war against China!!!

The day will come when the “666” had completed the war in the Middle East, rip all the wealth there and be able to enrich the few giant corporations. Then, the "666" will turn its attention to Asia. They will move all their war machines to Asia, start building up their arms reserve and start sending their soldiers here. When the world starting to believe in their "lies", war will come and all will suffer endlessly.

Some Advice to my Chinese Friends

China, friend of Islam.

Chinese, friend of Muslims.

Let us, help each other.


Japan bombed Shanghai, to protect the Japanese and their Interest.

A few years later, WW II started!!!

80 years later

Israel bombed Middle East, to protect the Jews and their Interest.

A few years later, will WW III starts???

Revelation 13:

The return of the beast, it was given the authority over every tribe, nation, language and race.

Its number is 666 (United States & Israel).

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