Wednesday 27 December 2017

Help Stop Israel in Jerusalem

Help Stop Israel in Jerusalem

If Israel is not careful, it will manifest itself into Satan 666. With United States giving her full support to Benjamin Netanyahu to make Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, the manifestation of Israel into the Satan 666 is picking up momentum.

With the manifestation of Israel into Satan 666 speeding up in its momentum, the world that we lived in will no more be safe and peaceful any more. With United=6 States=6 and Israel=6 joining force and become one, great destruction to our world and to the creations of God in the near foreseeable future will become unavoidable.

Daniel 7: 7&8

As I was watching, a fourth beast appeared. It was powerful, horrible, terrifying.  With its huge iron teeth, it crushed its victims, and then trampled on them. Unlike the other beast, it had ten horns.  

United = 6

States = 6

Israel = 6

The world that we are living in today, will no more be safe when Israel=6 and United=6 States=6 joined their forces and become a threat. War will be ignited everywhere and the world will become a big war zone. The Americans and Jews will suffered the biggest casualties, because of the greed of a few  very powerful individuals.

The war will start from the Middle East, then it will spread to the Spratly Islands in China. When this  happened, the whole world will be at war. Fighting each other so that the few individuals who controlled Israel and United States will be very rich and very powerful. It is best that we, the peace loving and God fearing people stop Israel now!

Calling all able men and women,
Calling all Christians, Muslims, Jews and all other religions.
Calling all peace loving people,

Help Stop Israel in Jerusalem Now!

Stop the manifestation of Satan 666, Now!

Zechariah 8: 1-5

The Lord Almighty gave this message to Zechariah: "I have longed to help Jerusalem because of my deep love for her people..............."

Zechariah 7: 8-10

The Lord gave this message to Zechariah, " Long ago I gave these commands to my people: "You must see that justice is done, and must show kindness and mercy to one another. Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners who lived among you, or anyone else in need. And do not plan ways of harming one another."

What is happening in Jerusalem today is completely against the will of God Almighty, against the teaching of Zechariah. Israel will be doomed and desolated, if Israel is continuing to be stubborn, refused to listen. If Israel closed their minds and made their hearts as hard as rock, the good land that God promised will be left a desolate place.

Zephaniah 3

Jerusalem is doomed, that corrupt rebellious city that oppresses..........

Restoration of Jerusalem

God will restore Jerusalem only if Israel follow the command of the Lord. God had chosen and annointed Zerubbabel to serve him and restore Jerusalem at the time and ways determined by the Almighty. 
Benjamin Netanyahu was not the chosen one, and United States was not the allied chosen by God to help in the restoration of Jerusalem. 
The verdict had been given, defying the commands of the Almighty at your own risks!

Zechariah 4: 6

"You will succeed, not by military might, or by power, but by my spirit"

Today, we see Benjamin Netanyahu representing Israel=6, with the help of United=6 States=6, acted as if they are chosen by God and tried to restore Jerusalem as per the scripture and doing things that God had determined more than 2000 years ago.
Someone must have thought he can replace Zerubbabel and complete the mission that God had given!

The Future King

Listen not to Benjamin Netanyahu, and believe not in the military might of the United States. They could be powerful because they represent the power of Satan 666. Their power can only be temporary, for they represent the fourth beast as per the vision in Daniel 7.
The future King is not Benjamin Netanyahu.
The future King is humble and peace loving.
He will not take the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
He will not make Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.
He will not allow the 10 foreign embassies to be set up in Jerusalem.

Zechariah 9:9

Your King is coming to you!
He comes triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey,
- on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Your King will make peace among the Nations;
He will rule from sea to sea, from River Euphrates to the end of the earth"

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