Tuesday 12 November 2013

Adam and the end time

Adam and the end time


The begining

(Picture by Google search)
Adam was born more than 1 million 275 thousand years ago.  Adam's birth was predicted with fear, because the oracle at Delphi had predicted destruction.  King Acrisius was warned that his daughter Danae will one day bear a child that will kill him. Fearing for his own death, King Acrisius stop Danae, his own daughter, from seeing any man and get her locked up most of the time.

One day, God had made Danae pregnant, and nine months later she had Adam (Adam means one male in Jew).  King Acrisius was shocked to see Danae's child, that he threw the baby into the sea without any hesitation. Adam was received by God and brought to the Garden of Eden immediately. Adam was raised and taken care by God in the Garden of Eden.

Revelation 12, And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.  And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne (1-5).


The forbidden fruit

(Picture by Google search)
Adam grew up strong and healthy in the Garden of Eden, but he was not happy.  God had constantly revealed to Adam all the wars and destruction that was taking place on earth. Every day that Adam grew up, it is equivalent to 1000 years on earth.  A lot of wars and destructions had taken place in every 1000 years, and all these had made Adam really sad.

After 1260 days in the Garden of  Eden, Adam decided it was enough.  Adam decided that he should go to the earth and try to save the earth and salvage whatever that is within his capability.  So, he decided that he should take the route that the angels took, to go to the earth via "the forbidden fruit".  He decided that he will hid himself near the tree of life that bears the forbidden fruit and observed.  He will learn from the angel how to consume the forbidden fruit.
(Revelation 12:6, And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there 1260 days.)

One day, he saw an angel consuming the forbidden fruit. He hid behind a fallen tree and observed.  The angel was consuming the fruit in joy, not knowing he was being watched.  Adam observed and observed, he  waited and waited, until the angel was satisfied and left the Garden.  Adam came out of the hiding place  and tried a taste of that forbidden fruit.


Life on earth

(Picture by Google search)
After Adam consumed the forbidden fruit, he felt his head spinning. The next thing he knew, he was on earth.  He was not alone, a young pretty lady (Eve) was beside him.  From a sad young boy, Adam had became a happy teenager with a pretty girl friend. That was more than 18000 years ago, when the earth  was different from 1 million 260 thousand years ago.  The earth was almost deserted, with no birds to be seen and animals to be found.  The ground that they were on was a flat land, filled only with short grass, and not many trees.

Adam was happy enjoying his life, and he and Eve had two beautiful son. The eldest son was called Running Bull, while the younger one was named Running Bear. Their life was perfect, no disturbance, no sadness, only joy.

When the children reached the age of five, they migrated to the East.  Adam and Eve decided they would migrate to the West. Adam and Eve saw some birds, found some animals and met with some human beings while travelling to the West.  They decided to settle down when they saw some hills with caves in them.  It was a new experience, and they were very curious about the caves.  They lived in caves for a long time, until Eve fall sick and passed away.


(Picture by Google search)

When Eve passed away due to sickness, Adam had his first taste of fear.  The fear had made Adam wander arond the earth aimlessly.  Adam walk and walk, and one day he was at this seaside.  He saw a young girl playing at the beach.

The girl was pretty and cheerful, and her name was Andromeda.  Adam was happy by just watching the young girl playing at the beach.  Everyday, Adam would just sit under a small tree and watch Andromeda playing at the beach.  This went on until Andromeda had grown up and attracted the attention of the monster (Satan) that lived in the sea. This monster was created by the angel that consumed the forbidden fruit, and it is the descendant of the Satan.  This monster had wings of a bat, and the body of a human being and skin that cannot be slashed by any metal knife.

One night, this monster raided the castle of Andromeda and captured everybody. Adam woke up the next morning and could not find anyone at the castle.  He panic and he shouted on top of his voice, "Andromeda!!!".  The earth shakes and the water trembled.  The monster was disturbed and it flew out of his hiding place from the sea and started searching for the source of the noise.


Adam and the Satan

(Picture by Google search)
Adam was airborne riding a dragon, flying over the castle looking for Andromeda.  The monster (Satan) was disturbed and went searching for the sound of Adam, and they both started fighting the minute they met each other in the mid air.  The fighting lasted for days and Adam was on the loosing end, because the monster cannot be harmed by any weapon.

After Adam suffered some injuries, he decided to flee to the nearby woods.  The monster decided to retreat to his hiding place and rested in victory.  Adam decided he would obseve with patience, the weaknesses of the monster and the time to act.  Adam also got advice from the holly spirit on the weapons to use and the when is the best time to kill the monster.

Finally, Adam had a knife made out of the rock from a black hill in China. A piece of cloth that will turn him invisible and a pair of sandals that can climb a castle without making any noise.  He waited till it was full moon, when the monster will get drunk at Andromeda's castle, and he killed the monster when the time was right.  Adam's name was Perseus in Greek, and he was the Satan slayer.

According to the Greek mythology, Perseus had managed to kill more Satan.  The Satan that Perseus killed had a common feature, a human body that have the features of a beast.


Adam and the end time

Adam married Andromeda and they had three children.  Adam did not get to live very long after that, and he passed away when the children were still young.  God, on the other hand, had placed Cherubims and a flaming sword guarding the tree of life, and no one from heaven can create any more Satan like those available during Andromeda's time. Adam may have been dead for more than 18,000 years, but his spirit and body continue to live here on earth.  He authority will return before the end time, and he will eliminate all the Satan and False Prophet and bring back the golden age with the help of Jesus Christ. 

The Satan will return without a physical body, but his destructive authority will be felt and be feared by all. According to Revelation 17:8-10: The beast that thou sawest was and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteh.  And there are seven kings:five of them are fallen, and one is and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

(Picture by Google search)

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